Proceedings of

5. Shadow and refractometric methods

3D laser refractography Invrstigation of single internal waves in salt-stratifacated liquids Application of frustrated total internal reflection for research droplet evaporation from the surface Волновые методы в задачах лазерной рефрактографии Thermal air jet parameters analysis by the laser refractography method Heating and cooling of a metal surface process research by the laser refractography method Experimental setup for modeling of processes typical for generating units The influence of liquids physical properties on drop size determination by laser interference method Simulation of images of the Background Oriented Schlieren through a liquid membrane Optimal processing of the laser doppler vibrometer signals Nonsearching orthocorrelated algorithm for estimation of shifts of laser refractography images An algorithm for imaging the interference fringes in their rotation Technique for calibrating cameras for 3D visualization of deformation with image pattern correlation technique Background oriented shclieren visualization of liquid evaporation from a firm surface Diagnosis of vessels on mikroanemometry PIV Laser impact in the optical method development of liquid, gas and plasma flow investigation Research of burning processes by optical methods Wavefront precise analysis by means of nulling interferometer Segmentation of spherical particles aggregates by the images To the calculation of the characteristics of the thermocapillary filter Zernike Исследование эффекта самовизуализации прозрачных объектов при фокусировке пространственно фазомодулированного лазерного излучения в слабопоглощающую среду Simulation the random laser in plasma of gas Moving particles velocity evaluation by camcorder Measurement of fine-dispersed droplets lifetime in gas-liquid flows Energy properties of large-scale vortical structures in axisymmetric submerged impinging jet Effect of the gas phase on the energy properties of large-scale vortical structures in liquid-gas impinging jet Dispersed phase dynamics in axisymmetric submerged impinging jet Visualization of sand barrier destruction under shock wave action Pyrometry using CCD cameras Measurements of mean gas flow velocity with a scan OFD Tornado-like vortices structure and dynamic characteristics investigations with high precision laser doppler anemometer Metrological investigations of interferometric systems based on the phenomena optical feedback and frequency modulation of semiconductor laser Phase metod for evaluation of doppler signal instantaneous frequency. discrete Hilbert transform and related errors Color coding of particle image velocimetry’s images in multipulsed mode Signal processing techniques review in lidar and laser doppler anemometer Particles distribution function reconstruction based on industrial aerosols multywaves laser sensing Aerosol particles distribution function invariants using for the laser sensing inverse tasks solving Boundary diffraction wave applied for determination of the inhomogeneteis size The optical research methods of the sorbent influence on vegetative objects development The optical research methods of sorbates for aqueous medium purification of oil and inorganic compounds pollution (schungite example) Recording spectra in hemodialysis culture to control water pollution Optical methods for analysis of the interrelationships of ecosystem parameters with parameters of organisms Polarization characteristics of bioobjects and their correlation with biological effects when changing the characteristics of the habitats Spectral control the growing heterogeneity of space – time organization when you move in a steady state biosystems Determination of LFM-signal’s instantaneous frequency by phase-differential method of spectral analysis Measuremnets of two-phase flow characteristics in a sparay of injector by PIV and IPI methods Measurement of the cylinder form by laser dopler method Shock gasdynamic unit and its use at gas flow visualization in firing sound reduction devices Image visualization of gas flow in cave of firing sound reduction device Regression approach to information analyses and interpretation of aerosol optical measurements data Regression methods of optoelektronic diagnostis of tissues fnd blood Sliding corona discharge with small discharge gaps Determination of fuel sprays characteristics by laser fluorescence method A tip vortces spreading downstream the wing attached to the flat surface Application of IPI technique to study spray flows Researches by the shadow and background oriented schlieren method of the flow with shock waves in the discharge chamber Application of background oriented schlieren method to the studies of flows of non-isothermal fluid Stimulated low-frequency raman scattering in nanostructured materials – new source of biharmonic pumping Nonlinear optical effects in incommensurately crystal Application of tomagraphic velocimetry for volumetric flow measurements Study of elastic stresses in transparent materials by correlation method Distortion and chromatic characteristics of some cameras and removable lenses Study of flows in a drop on the surface Mechanico-optical effects in liquid crystals and techniques of its application for flows study Studying of the wave breaking influence on the momentum transfer between wind flow and surface roughness by visualisation methods Experimental study of acoustic flowsin a focused ultrasound field Studying of the surface roughness properties by visualization methods within laboratory modeling of the atmospheric-ocean interaction Excited electronic states, structure, absorption, luminescence, and generation of ligth in the series multiatomic compounds in aggregation of the matter Holographic study of nanocluster fluxes using x-ray lasers The physical principles of application spectroscopy of the nuclear magnetic resonance and luminescence for the studying of the structure and superthin electrone – nuclear interaction in the different complexes of molecules and with paramagnetic ions of lantanide Diagnostics of micro – droplet flows and ultra disperse particles formed from them Elimination of variable aberrations in interferometer for dynamics visualization of thermal fields Entrance quality assurance of the laser bunches used in dopler laser measuring systems Multiparticle sckattering problem in laser doppler anemometry Hilbert–optic methods in experimental hydro– and gas dynamics Hilbert-diagnostics of the Rayleigh – Benard convection of the liquid with the free surface Definition of density and concentration of water solutions of salts in the optical way (the example of lithium bromide) Polychromatic hilbert-diagnostics of evolution of the ring whirlwinds arising at diffraction of front of pressure upon the aperture Complex research of Relay-Benar convection under different boundary conditions Experimetal and numerical simulation of buoyancy plums Thermal imaging studies of laminar - turbulent transition in the Rayleigh - Benarovsk convection Experimental researches of thermocapillary and buoyancy – surface – tension driven waves Diagnostics of plasma flows in the stratified discharge by means of the dust particles Interferometer for simulteneous registration two interferograms with rectangular shift On the possibilities of investigating the mechanisms of microparticles cloud formation by shock wave arrival on condensed matter free surface in laboratory envirement Acceleration and decay model of water projectile Разрушение водяного снаряда в процессе свободного падения Recent developments in optical diagnostics sprays and combustion On possible imaging of microparticles in the optical range by diascopic projection method Optoacoustic method determination of the kinetical coefficients of supefluid helium CARS diagnostics of high-pressure high-temperature H2/O2 and CH4/O2 flames in a pulsed combustion chamber Express CARS thermometry of hydrocarbon combustion at high pressure The application of multipoint LDA to experimental study of the containment heat evacuation system Flow velocity measurement in backscatter with laser diode based LDA and selfmixing receiving technique Application of PIV/LIF technique for study of turbulent structure of cavitating flows around 2D models Inverse problems of refractometry for turbulent flows diagnostics Correlation analysis of the digital flow images with super- resolution The flow visualization around the immovable and rotating cylinder and wing with the rotor-type leading-edge flap in subsonic wind tunnel The influence of broken cloudiness on measurement accuracy of atmosphere optical parameters by optical remote sensing Optical investigations of interactions of diamond nanoparticles with blood components at in vitro measurements Experimental study of air vortex structures generated over a heated horizontal metal surface Effect of distributed blow of the flow around the blunted body with a permeable inlet surface Determination of particle size distribution of submicron aerosols by the spectral transperancy method Experimenal investigation of free concentrated vortex structure Stand speed change videoregistration throw fuel atomization Optical methods for study on effects of deuterium water on unicellualar green alga Optical methods of studying the relationship of changes in structure and functions of intact cells Ultracold plasma: creation by lasers and investigation by optical method Application of modern optical techniques for diagnostics of spatial structure of turbulent flames Investigation of glow discharge properties with single dust particles Selecnion of pixel dimension using wavelet transform Investigation and diagnosis of surface heat down air vehicle with thermovossion techniques Comparison of two algorithms for evaluation of central frequency narrowband normal random process with gaussian spectrum
12. Youth workshop. Modern methods of flows investigation - 2011.
Visualization and construction 3D-refraktion patterns in liquid volume