Расписание конференции

The conference will be held remotely using the Webex Events system. To participate in the section, you must register using a special form at the link . Registration for several sections at once is possible. Speakers at registration must indicate the numbers of the reports to be presented.

Duration of plenary reports 45-60 minutes, invited and review reports 30 minutes, section reports 15 minutes (including discussion). The presenter independently provides access to his computer screen and broadcasts the prepared presentation.

If necessary, you can send a presentation in MS Powepoint format to the Conference Organizing Committee in advance at omfi@omfi-conf.ru , for broadcasting it from the computers of the section secretaries.

Date Time Section Broadcast recording
June 28 10.00-13.00 Conference opening - plenary reports recording
14.00-17.00 Section 3 - Flow visualization recording
14.00-17.00 Section 7-1 - Application of optical methods recording
June 29 10.00-13.00 Section 8 - Acousto-optics and optoacoustics recording
10.00-13.00 Section 7-2 - Application of optical methods recording
14.00-17.00 Section 8 - Acousto-optics and optoacoustics recording
14.00-18.00 Section 9 - Scientific visualization recording
June 30 10.00-13.00 Section 1 - Laser anemometry recording
10.00-13.00 Section 5 - Computer methods of signal and image processing recording
14.00-18.00 Section 4 - Optoelectronic instrumentation recording
July 01 10.00-13.00 Scientific youth school SMDP-2021 recording
10.00-15.00 Section 10 - Optical methods in biomedicine and ecology recording
July 02 10.00-14.00 Section 2 - Shadow, refractometric and interference methods recording
15.00-16.30 Summing up, closing the conference recordings