8. Applications of optical methods
Vedenin E.I., Charty P.V., Shemanin V.G.
Novorossiysk polytechnic institute KubSTU, Russia, Krasnodar region, Novorossiysk
Using change of average volume – surface diameter particles as the criterion of the excess emissions occurrence
Appearance of excess aerosol emissions is a reason of change function of aerosol particles. A numeric parameter which allows to recover the distribution function of particle size is the mean volume-surface particle diameter, that allow to use change of mean volume-surface diameter as the criterion of the excess emissions occurrence. To evaluation of the effectiveness using mean volumesurface diameter as the criterion of the excess emissions occurrence introduced the term of the rate of failure. Estimated minimal rate of failure that allow to detect change of mean volume-surface diameter was less than minimal rate of failure that allow to detect existing criterion of the excess emissions occurrence such as growth mass concentration and differential pressure on the last stage of treatment change.