10. Youth workshop. Modern methods of flows investigation - 2015.

S.Y. Kolesnikov, S.V. Bayun, N.M. Skornyakova, N.L. Ryazanova
National research university «MPEI», Russia

Research of the laminar stream of air in the fine aerosol by PIV method

Work is devoted to research of process of the movement of an air stream in the transparent cubic camera filled with an aerosol. The entrance opening for air supply is located on the center on one of side sides of a cube. For carrying out experiment was used the contactless optical method – particle image velocimetry (PIV). Fields of instantaneous velocities are presented, schedules of distribution of average speed in various operating modes of the generator of an air stream are constructed. For an assessment of compliance of the results received by the PIV method to real values determination of speed of particles was carried out by means of the vane anemometer. Possibility of research of laminar air streams in an aerosol is shown by the PIV method.