8. Optical methods in biomedicine and ecology
V.L. Voeikov, E.V. Buravleva, K.N. Novikov
Moscow State University of Lomonosov, Faculty of Biology, Russia
Application video recording with high spatial and temporal resolution to detect nonmonotonic character of whole blood sedimentation
Through the use of the principles of vision systems for detailed analysis of the kinetics of sedimentation of red blood cells nonlinear dynamic characteristics of the process were identified. Video recording of sedimentation of whole blood cells was performed in a glass pipette and a rectangular glass cuvette with a color camera with a resolution of 470 lines, 0.1 lux and photosensitivity at 25 frames/sec. An automatic computerized device allowing to record the dynamics of sedimentation of red blood cells with high temporal resolution was also used. Position of the boundary between the red cells and plasma can be recorded every 30 seconds for several glass pipettes simultaneously within + - 10 microns. Data are processed by the computer and presented in the form of ESR-gram (speed-time graphs) and curves that describe the time evolution of settling of erythrocyte/blood plasma boundary. As a result, macrokinetic sedimentation patterns in whole blood have been identified. Dynamic changes in the blurriness of the boundary that exhibits it self in the oscillatory nature of changes in the speed of the process, the phenomenon of "negative sedimentation" detected. Video process has allowed to detect the nano- and microbubbles of gas released from the blood in the process of settling. Active motion of the plasma up along the settling mass of red cells leads to the active movement of cells and gas bubbles against the forces of gravity, on the border between the red blood cells and plasma. A hypothesis representing the blood as a complex system consisting of at least three phases: plasma, cellular components and the gas phase, which appeals to a revision of many concepts of hematology, rheology, cardiovascular physiology.