3. Shadow and refractometric methods

V.N. Zudov, P.K. Tretyakov, A.V. Tupikin
Khristianovich Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics SB RAS, Russia

Ignition and stabilization by the optical discharge of homogeneous burning in high-speed jet

The experimental research of influence of focused impulsno-periodic radiation СО2 – the laser on initiation and development of process of distribution of burning in to – and a supersonic stream homogeneous fuel-air of mixes (Н2 + air, СН4 + air) is spent. Radiation СО2-laserа extended across a stream and was focused by a lens on an axis of a supersonic stream. The shadow scheme was applied to registration of structure of a current with a crack and the flat knife located along a stream. The image it was fixed by the high-speed chamber in due course expositions 1.5 µs and frequency of shots 1000 1/s. The structure of a zone of burning on an example of own luminescence of a flame on lengths of waves of radicals OH and СН is studied. In the spent experiments by methods of issue spectroscopy distribution of intensity of radiation a component in the field of the optical category has been investigated.