9. Applications of optical methods
Chudnova T.A.
Ugresha Branch of Dubna International University of Nature, Society and Man
Investigation of the influence of the quality of soils in the development of plants with the help of the method of IR-spectroscopy
The paper presents the data of spectral analysis of samples of test plants grown on contaminated soils with admixtures of natural sorbents. It is shown that the introduction of zeolites and schungites allows to clean the soil from ions of heavy metals and oil products. Using method of multiple broken total interval reflection in the range of 1800-1200 cm-1 without the polarization of the light flow and in parallel and perpendicular polarized light spectras of the external structures and cells of vegetable objects are obtained, dichroisms of absorption bands are defined. It is established that the introduction of sorbents in soil increases the productivity of the soil, exerting a positive influence on the development of plants. With the use of IR-spectroscopy it is determined that presence of zeolite in the soil increases the adaptive properties of plants to the environment.