1. Plenary reports
A.F. Belozerov, A.V. Lukin
Open Joint Stock Company “Scientific and Production Association “State Institute of Applied Optics” (NPO GIPO)
Systems to visualize gas dynamics fields of dimensions of up to 1000 mm using holagram optical elements
This report presents some technical ways to solve the important problem of experimental gas dynamics – the development of a product range of systems designed to carry out optical and physi-cal research: shade and interference devices intended to get gas flows visualized in the wind tun-nels and ballistic paths within the operating field of dimensions of up to 1000 mm. In order to de-velop collimator objectives of 400-1000 mm in diameter and with the relative aperture of up to 1:2 for the optical and physical research systems, computer-generated hologram optical elements (CHOEs) of diffraction optics were used. Unique instruments have been developed and tested in the experiments.