4. Laser and optical interferometry
S.I. Inshakov, А.Ju. Rodionov, А.S. Shirin, V.N. Shekhtman
FGUP «TSAGI im. prof. N. Е. Zhukovsky», Russia, ООО «Engineering -physical laboratory», Russia
Interferometer for simulteneous registration two interferograms with rectangular shift
It is known, that shift interferograms yield information about deformation of light wave front only in the direction of shift. But in the case of investigation nonstationary or irreproducible objects, for example, gas flows, by means of such device it is necessary simultaneous registration of two interferograms, desirable with ortogonical shift. The interferometer is representing utilize for simultaneous registration of two such interferograms. In this construction exact shift amount in two ortogonical directions are supplied. Diameter of parallel light beam is 320 mm. For source of light semiconductor laser with λ = 532 nm is utilize. Interferograms are recorded by means of two monochromatic CCD cameras. Minimum exposure time is 10 mks, film speed 50 f/s. This device for explore of nonuniformity of aerodynamic window of powerful gas-dynamic laser is utilized. Program of such interferogramm processing is tested on the stationary model and verify with data, obtained by means of interferometer with reference light beam.